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What Does Iversun 12 mg Treat in Humans?

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  • iversun 12 mg is an FDA-approved drug for treating parasite infections in humans. It is specifically used to treat parasitic worm-related illnesses such as Strongyloidiasis, which can cause gastrointestinal pain, bloating, and rashes, and Onchocerciasis, often known as river blindness, which causes an itchy rash, eye problems, and skin abnormalities. Additionally, topical iveredge 12 is used to treat head lice. The FDA has not authorized ivermectin for the treatment or prevention of viral infection . Because of variations in formulations and doses, using animal-specific ivermectin can be exceedingly harmful for humans. When recommended by a healthcare physician, ivermectin should be taken exactly as advised to successfully battle parasite infections while reducing the risk of adverse effects.

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