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External microphone level

Topic created · 3 Posts · 49 Views
  • When live streaming I can connect an external microphone via a USB-C hub which then also connects to a cabled ethernet connection - so far so good.
    The problem is that there is no way at all to see or control the audio level of that external microphone on the camera. That also applies to video taken with an external microphone. It is guess work and try and error.

    Will there be at some point a level indicator and level control for external microphones in the camera??

  • Thank you for the feedback, we did have received requests for this feature from our customers, giving that currently, our priority project is PilotTour, however, we will still actively deliver an internal discussion and communication, in the hope to gain it as early as possible.

  • Have reported this basic omission early 2019. The Era has 4 built-in mics. Suffering from the same and for video modes too.

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