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Reliable jurisdiction for registering a cryptocurrency company

Topic created · 3 Posts · 3 Views
  • Hello everyone, I need to find a reliable jurisdiction to register a cryptocurrency company in Poland, if you have worked with such companies, I will be glad to hear your advice

  • In order to make the process easier, it is necessary that the company's management has no criminal record, confirmed by the issuance of a certificate from law enforcement agencies. This certificate certifies that the directors and founders have never been convicted of criminal or tax violations related to crimes against state and local government, forgery, fraud, securities dealing, real estate violations or any other crimes committed for the purpose of personal or financial gain.

  • Despite the popularity of cryptocurrencies and the regulatory issues surrounding them, Poland remains a relatively relaxed jurisdiction for cryptocurrency businesses as national legislation in this area is slowly changing. Compared to neighboring European countries, where cryptocurrency regulation is stricter, Polish cryptocurrency licensing rules can be considered more flexible and less expensive, since there are no strict requirements for personnel to comply with the rules. Crypto license in Poland https://fastoffshorelicenses.com/poland -crypto-license/ combines regulatory compliance with access to an expanding market and enabling environment, allowing licensed companies to successfully grow in the changing world of cryptocurrencies.

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