from Computer to FB not working
hello Smart folks
I just noticed that the Panos posted to FB from Computer ( Laptop )
are not shown as a 360 photos up there in FB !!!. they are shown as a normal flat photos !
The same Panos posted from Android mobile to FB are good ok . they are shown as a 360 .my question is aint the Panos already stitched in the camera ? why they are not as a 360 in fB when posted from Computer ?
This situation can occur when you overload your smartphone or laptop from where you are uploading photos. You can also check for updates on Facebook, you may have an old version installed, and that's why it fails. One of the reasons for this may be an overload of the hard drive or the keeper on which your files are located. In such cases, you may need data recovery if all other causes are excluded. Check the quality of the image. It may exceed the volume limit or, on the contrary, be too low quality. As you might have realized, there are many causes. Which of these did you end up with?
2:1 is the aspect ratio of an equirectangular image - the width is always twice the height because you have 360 degrees around and 180 from top to bottom.
How and where they are stitched does not matter. Yes, Labpano stitches in camera - but - if FB wants some metadata for an upload from a laptop - well - the only way to make it show 360 images as such is - to add the meta data.
Yes, you can argue it should work but FB is treating uploads from different sources differently - so if it works from Android doesn't mean it works from iOS or from a laptop.
Why - you might ask FB but be warned - many have tried - few have succeeded. -
Hello @kronpano
Thanks for saying something. The 360 photos shot by my Pilot EE can work great if posted to FB from Mobile ( Android ). I didn't do any changes to the photos when moved them to my Laptop ! ( Copy & Paste ). Then when posted them to FB from Laptop, they are as a flat photos ! though they are stiched in the Camera when they are shot !
Why FB accepted them from Mobile ? And FB didn't accept them from Laptop ?! The metadata are the same !
What do you mean please by 2.1 ?Thanks
Problem is that FB requires certain meta-data to recognise an image as a 360
They can't just assume because the ratio of an image is 2:1 that it is a panorama - that would cause problems and it is where the meta data comes in.You can quickly add that by using something like ExifFixer or PanoExif- both free programs