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Youtube live

Topic created · 6 Posts · 34 Views
  • "PilotLive was not verified by Google, do you realy trust this application and want to give permission..."

    Why so?

    And even when I decided to give permissions (by advanced security seettings) it will not start live streaming by youtube. LIVE BROADCAST FAILED

    Any suggestions?

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  • I have the right module to help you. Also, I've an option to make your videos more prominent on YouTube. If you making different videos, then in order to achieve greater recognition, you need not only likes, but for full coverage, you can order dislikes I know a service https://viplikes.net/buy-youtube-dislikes here you can buy youtube dislikes. By doing this you can promote your Youtube video. I suggest you check it.

  • @janger said in Youtube live:

    "PilotLive was not verified by Google, do you realy trust this application and want to give permission..."

    Why so?

    hello Janger, PilotLive 8K need to pair with PiPlayer to achieve it.
    You can hit the link below to learn more about PilotLive8K.

    The Pilot camera also supports to do 4K live streaming to YouTube and Facebook. In terms of 4K live streaming to YouTube, we are applying for the Quota and still we are waiting for the review from YouTube.

    Best regards

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