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Is narcolepsy a protected disability?

Topic created · 1 Posts · 3 Views
  • impairment discrimination legislation consider narcolepsy to be a protected impairment in several places. Usually, these laws prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities in a number of contexts, such as the workplace, classroom, housing market, and public places. A person with narcolepsy may find it difficult to go about their everyday life, work, learn, and interact with others. Drugs that include armodafinil, such as Artvigil 150 mg, are often used to treat narcolepsy symptoms and enhance wakefulness and alertness. To help people with narcolepsy perform their obligations and fully participate in society, accommodations including flexible work hours, access to rest breaks, and changes to the learning environment may be required. The rights of people with narcolepsy as stipulated by disability regulations must be recognized and respected by employers, schools, and service providers.

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