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What doctors wish patients knew about acne treatment?

Topic created · 1 Posts · 3 Views
  • Consistency: Stick to your treatment plan consistently for best results.

    Patience: Improvement takes time; don't expect instant results.

    Individualized Treatment: What works for one person may not work for another; treatment should be tailored to you.

    Avoid Over-Treatment: Using too many products can worsen acne; follow your dermatologist's recommendations.

    Address Underlying Causes: Hormonal imbalances and lifestyle factors can contribute to acne; consider addressing these alongside treatment.

    Prevention: Preventive measures help maintain clear skin once acne is under control.

    Professional Guidance: Dermatologists provide access to the most effective treatments for all types of acne. accutane is one of the best solution. you should try accutane for acne

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