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Integrate Labpano-External GNSS Antenna - Use another coord system.

Topic created · 1 Posts · 17 Views
  • Hello,

    i am owner of 2 labpano pilot one cameras . Recently i found this interesting post Detail Steps on connecting an external GPS module to the Pilot cameras and i would like to connect my labpano with externeal gnss antenna and record video in google streetview mode. I would like to ask if labpano supports only WGS84 coords system or can i use another. I am from Greece and i want t work in GGRS87 system (espg:2100). So i connect my labpano with gnss module through bluetooth and then using NTRIP i set ip, port, username and pass for Greek Positioning System (HEPOS). When the NTRIP Client, starts, it shows me that it connects to the NTRIP and took measurements normally, but the exported data were still on WGS84. That happens because labpano doesnt support another coord system? Labpano gpx format is standard so it cant add another info like coords from another system?

    Thanks in advance for the help!!

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