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Best Practices

Topic created · 5 Posts · 57 Views
  • Experienced virtual tour photographer but new to blue line and the labpano pilot tour.

    For those who have been putting the tour through it's paces...can you share any best practices especially for walking.

    1. Have you used the EV setting in Street View mode?

    2. How far above your head does the camera need to be?

    3. How large did you scale the Logo to cover your head or did you?

    4. What did you have the stitch distance setting on?

    Thanks in advance,


  • @sid beautiful photo! Thanks
    My first try with default settings
    So, the problem is in EV, will try 1 later

  • @sid Cool, walking in the rainy day

  • I found that EV 0 is too dark and went on to use EV 1 - seems quite OK
    Stitch infinity - I do that as well.
    Walking - or more hiking in my case I usually set it to FPS 1
    I use no logo - have no "company" - so no logo for me.
    Have a monopod mounted on/in a backpack so height above the head about 50cm.
    I think as long as you are higher than about 30cm you will be fine - the nadir is "invisible" anyways.

    Nothing but rain in the UK - well you can say that - North Wales is soaking!!!!

  • This is my first attempt. https://goo.gl/maps/qT874A4H2PXT6Kph6
    EV set to 0 but it is too dark, it didn't look too dark when I was shooting it. I don't know why they don't have an auto setting, you cant keep changing it as you are walking.
    The camera is about 40cm to the lenses above my head, I don't know if that's recommended but it looks ok to me. (Look out for low branches and stuff)
    No logo, just a hat.
    Stitch was set to infinity.
    FPS 3
    Nothing but rain here in the UK so I can't go out and do some more😢

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