Pilot Era limited settings on Google Street View mode
Dear Pilot Era users, dear Labpano engineers.
I bougth a Pilot Era camera for a faster StreetView works.
I am surprised, because many camera setting is not accessible in Street View mode.
Example: no white balance settings, sometimes I got very strange colors, better if we can set the WB manually.Other problem, the StreetView stitched video (4 fps) is almost 3 times bigger, than InstaPro 2 stitched video (5 fps). It could be better if we can adjust somehow the video bitrate.
I want try to make unstitched video, but here I can't select 8K at 1, 4 or 7 fps, only 24 fps can be use.
The uploaded bottom logo are mirrored (24 bit PNG file) so we need to use a mirrored logo.
Refer recent posts in the Facebook group.