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Bottom Logo (Nadir)

Topic created · 3 Posts · 38 Views
  • Good morning,
    I recorded a blue line for google, I didn't put the logo below before recording, is there any way to put it before uploading to GSV

  • @leonardoabreu

    Eileen's workflow with Dean's tools is incorrect.

    • With GSV2JPG extract video frames to jpg with location tags.

    • Use a jpg editor to insert a nadir.

    • With JPG2VID reconstruct a Street View video file.

    • Upload with VID2GSV, using the video and gpx file.

  • @leonardoabreu Hello Leonardo, you can use either Gothru or Dean Zwikel'  VID2GSV.

    With the tool GSV2JPG you can convert the gsv video into jpg photos with location tags, then with a image editor (affinity photo or pano2vr) you can replace the nadir on each of this images (using pano2vr master node editor or using affinity macros); after that, with JPG2VID you can convert the jps into video again, and then you can upload it to google with VID2GSV. It's not a very easy workflow, but it works

    or, Do not need to extract to jpeg. You can add mask for entire video in premiere. but you lost gpx data. with Dean Zwikel tool you have to extract gpx data to the separate file. after video edited you can upload/update GSV both files, one more time with Dean Zwikel tool.

    Remark: While you edit video it will lost the gpx data, so you have to extract gpx as well with the tool earlier. VID2GSV would require the GPX file that can be created using CAMM2GPX. It would not be lost if you edit a copy of the original GSV videos.

    Link to download the VID2GSV, you will need to send a request then Dean will approve it .

    I hope the information can be helpful to you.

    Best regards

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